Retouch Cream
• A soft wax for rubbing into damaged areas
• Restores colour and disguises dents and chips
• Ideal for filling mitre joints and pin holes on frames or furniture
• Dries hard
• All colours are intermixable
Product use
Liberon Retouch Cream is a soft creamy wax for filling mitre joints and pin holes on frames or furniture
for restoration. It is also used to colour scratches and small defects.
Ensure surface is clean, dry and free from dust.
Apply to the damaged surface with a cloth. Gently remove any excess with a cloth. Allow to dry for a
minimum of 20 minutes, longer if possible, then buff lightly with a lint-free cotton cloth.
Tools can be cleaned with white spirit. If the product dries out it can be re-activated by gently warming
and adding white spirit.
Colours: White, Black, Mahogany and Light Oak.
Liberon Retouch Cream is available in 30 ml containers.
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